Chapter 0238: As Hard as Ascending to Heaven

"Xiaodao, is this beautiful young lady your girlfriend?" Ye Wudao brought Wang Shiying to Zhang Tongji's house, and as soon as Zhang Tongji saw Wang Shiying, who was following Ye Wudao, he immediately greeted them warmly.

"Dad, I recognize her, she is the big star Wang Shiying; you can see her often on TV. Don't you really love watching that TV series 'The Temptation of Home'? She's the female lead, Sun Xiuli, in that."

Zhang Yuying recognized Wang Shiying and said to Zhang Tongji with some surprise.

"Oh, she's Sun Xiuli? I recognize her now. She was wearing a hat, and I didn't recognize her at first. Wait, didn't she marry that Shu Hao guy? How come she's with Xiaodao now?"

Zhang Tongji had obviously confused Sun Xiuli, the female lead in the TV series, with the real Wang Shiying, thinking they were the same person.

"My goodness, Dad, the TV show is fake; it's all acting. Miss Wang isn't married yet." Zhang Yuying hurriedly explained to him.