Chapter 246: Became a Big "Name


"Hmm, let me think... I need to go to Shigong film set this morning; I promised Director Wang Zhong that I would do a reshoot for a scene today. For the afternoon, I want to go shopping for clothes, and in the evening..."

After taking the Beauty Preserving Elixir and turning beautiful, Wang Shiying was in a particularly great mood as well. Fingering through her planned schedule, she left Ye Wudao feeling somewhat weak at the knees. However, since he had already agreed to accompany her, Ye Wudao had no choice but to follow her around.

Soon after washing up and having a simple breakfast, they were ready to leave. But as soon as they stepped outside, they discovered many reporters lying in wait near Wang Shiying's residence. As soon as they saw Wang Shiying and Ye Wudao emerge, the reporters, as if injected with adrenaline, chased after them with their cameras at the ready.