Chapter 268: Look More, Listen More, Ask Less


However, an order is an order, no matter how absurd it may be, they had to execute it; otherwise, it would be regarded as insubordination. In severe cases, one would face disciplinary action. Thus, Liang Gang led his team members to Ye Wudao and informed him of the superior's decision.

Ye Wudao didn't seem too surprised. If Zhao Yusheng wasn't a fool, he would surely have inquired about his status from Song Tianqi. It seemed that Song Tianqi had already spoken to him, so Zhao Yusheng would act in this manner.

"Since that's the case, then you'll obey my commands," Ye Wudao said, not the least bit politely.

"Yes, Mr. Ye." Liang Gang and Yu Bo, along with the other four, stood straight as they replied.

"I just need Li Xuewen to accompany me to complete this mission. The rest of you can go back." Ye Wudao did not need so many people, and their identities were sensitive; having them with him would only be a hindrance.