Chapter 288: Seek Good Fortune and Avoid Disasters as Soon as Possible

"Here? But there is nothing here. Could it be a mistake?" Li Shenglong, who had been following behind Liao Ji, pointed in the direction indicated and said.

"The Compass wouldn't make a mistake; there must be an issue with this place."

Liao Ji spoke with full confidence. Perhaps he could be mistaken, but unless the Golden Willow Compass was broken, it absolutely wouldn't err.

"Then... Mr. Ye, what exactly is the problem with this place?" Li Shenglong asked, puzzled.

"We'll only know once we check it out," Liao Ji couldn't be certain at the moment.

Soon they arrived at the open space, an area that had originally been used for storing construction rubble. Now that the rubble had been cleared away, a large empty space was left behind.

"There should be something underneath this; Mr. Li, could you get someone to dig this area up?" Liao Ji proposed.
