Chapter 20: A Warm Dinner (Second Update)

At that moment, Auntie Pang noticed the two young girls following behind Xue An. These two charming and cute little girls instantly won Auntie Pang's affection.

"What beautiful young ladies! Xiao An, are these your..."

"My two daughters!" Xue An laughed.

"So beautiful! So adorable!" Auntie Pang's face creased into a smile.

Xue Xiang and her sister sweetly called out, "Grandma!"

That title brought tears to the corners of Auntie Pang's eyes, and she quickly opened a drawer, grabbing a handful of dried fruit to hand to Xue Xiang and her sister.

"You two, who is the older sister and who is the younger one?"

It seemed like everyone who met them would ask that question.

Xue Xiang giggled, "The one standing next to the older sister is the younger one!"

Her sister added, "The one standing next to the younger sister is the older one!"

Auntie Pang laughed so hard tears came out, "Such clever little sprites!"