Chapter 77: Truly Delicious

The warm spring breeze hits her face, and the air is filled with a restless spring vibe.

On this spring evening, in front of the Number One Tian Villa, a family barbecue is underway.

Brand-new grills are lined up in a row, with an array of skewers neatly arranged on top.

Xue An stands in front of the grill, occasionally sprinkling various seasonings on top, his movements as smooth and fluid as drifting clouds and flowing water.

A rich aroma of barbecue gradually begins to waft through the air.

Not far away, Xue Xiang, Xue Nian, and an exceptionally ugly Pekingese are all squatting on the ground, drooling as they quietly wait.

An Qing and Tang Xuan'er are helping to cut meat and thread skewers on the side.

Initially, An Qing didn't want to do this, but she couldn't resist the allure of the barbecue; Xue An had said that if you don't work, you don't get to eat.

With no other choice, the second young miss of the An Family had to start helping reluctantly.