Chapter 89: God Slayer Press Conference

God Slayer?

At first, there was silence below the stage, followed by a commotion.

Who didn't know that the film Fan Mengxue was replaced in was called War of the Gods.

Now they intended to shoot God Slayer—wasn't this a clear provocation?

But did this man not know that the investor behind War of the Gods was the Xie Family?

By doing this, wasn't he afraid of angering the Xie Family?

Many people looked at Xue An differently.

It was as if they were looking at a fool who was too ignorant to recognize the extent of his folly.

Meanwhile, many reporters sensed the whiff of a big news story.

A rather bold female journalist even stood up and asked, "Excuse me, sir, since you plan to help Miss Fan Mengxue make a movie, who will the director be? And how much do you plan to invest?"

These questions went straight to the heart of the matter.

Xue An smiled without answering directly, but instead asked, "Which press are you from?"