Chapter 94: Do You Dare to Provoke Me? (Third Update)

The entire internet was set ablaze by this promotional trailer.

Used to the contention of immortals, it was the first time many saw such a defiant protagonist, and moreover, a female lead.

Many people were shocked.

Particularly in the end, the silhouette of Fan Mengxue standing alone against the multitude of heavenly divine beings caused many to tear up as they watched.

It must be said that Cao Zheng's directorial foundation is indeed profound; even with such a short trailer, one could see the care he put into it.

Of course, the most important thing was the special effects in the trailer.

Many people were stunned by the special effects presented there.

Without any exaggeration, the top-notch effects of Hollywood were mere trash compared to this promotional trailer.

The figure of the giant dragon was unforgettable at first sight.

Therefore, there was no need for deliberate promotion, as many people voluntarily began to spread the video.