Chapter 105: Gathering of the Wealthy Families (3 more)

The news of the Qin Family's banquet once again created a sensation throughout the provincial city.

After the Feng Family received the invitation, they convened another urgent meeting.

During the meeting, Feng Chaosi smiled proudly and said, "You see, even the Qin Family knows that they can't swallow such a big piece of cake on their own, which is why they've called on us local powerhouses to attend."

"Therefore, I propose that this time our Feng Family should show off our strength, to let this Qin Family and that Mr. Xue know our prowess," Feng Chaosi declared.

Everyone nodded in agreement, Feng Qi felt an immense sense of pride, thinking his younger son indeed had great prospects.

Only Feng Chaochou remained silent throughout, his gaze dark and brooding.

He believed that this banquet could not be as simple as it seemed.

That man, could you really threaten him with just these local nobodies?

Similar arguments were taking place almost in every powerful family.