Chapter 115: Reactions from All Sides (3 updates)

Xie Jingjing finished school and returned home, feeling that the atmosphere today was somewhat unusual.

Instead of cooking in the kitchen, Mr. Xie sat in a chair, heaving long sighs and muttering under his breath.

Auntie Pang, her mother, was constantly dabbing at her tears.

"What's happened?" Xie Jingjing asked in confusion.

Auntie Pang lifted her head, glanced at her daughter, and then sighed, "Your dad went to buy groceries today and then he heard some news about your Brother Xiao An!"

"What happened to Brother Xiao An?" Xie Jingjing exclaimed, her face draining of color.

"I also heard it through the grapevine," Mr. Xie said with a face full of worry. "Apparently, Xiao An offended some extremely formidable figure, and now they're seeking revenge, setting it for ten days from now on the banks of Qingfeng River!"

Xie Jingjing turned pale and slumped into a chair, her mind in turmoil.

What to do?

What to do!

Please, nothing bad must happen to Brother Xiao An!