Chapter 119: What is the True Sword Dao (3 more)


But just under the sword force that seemed to split heaven and earth, Xue An remained calm, with even a hint of a smile on his lips.

Yu Yang sneered inwardly, 'Close to death, and still so arrogant?'

At this moment, Xue An spoke indifferently, "Counting this strike, you've already chopped at me twice. So this time... it's my turn!"

With that, Xue An raised his hand and threw a punch.

This punch, in the face of the mighty sword force, seemed so insignificant.

Moreover, it was utterly silent, not even as forceful as the gentle play-fighting of a girl.

Many people watched with disdain.

Was this the prowess of the legendary Mr. Xue? Was that all he had?

Yu Yang had thought the same, he had even envisioned Xue An being cleaved in two by his sword.

But this casually thrown punch was like a needle that could pierce through anything, striking precisely at the weakest point of the formidable sword force.
