Chapter 170: The An Family in Zhongdu (Please Subscribe and Vote for Monthly Tickets)


The capital of Huaxia.

An ancient city of a thousand years with profound historical heritage.

To the west of Zhongdu lies a large stretch of contiguous villas and luxury houses.

This is where the wealthy An Family resides.

After Xue An and An Yan got out of the car, An Yan looked up at the grand and imposing gate, her complexion gradually turning pale.

This was the place where she had once lived, and also the source of her endless suffering.

"Husband... do we really have to go in?" An Yan asked, her voice trembling.

Xue An smiled and nodded, speaking softly, "Of course, we have to go in. Don't be afraid, I'm here for you!"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were licking their ice creams while quietly discussing something on the side.

"Sister, is this really Mommy's home? It's so big!"

"Mm-hmm, but Daddy said lots of Mommy's family members are bad people!"