Chapter 195 This Place is Mine, No One Else Is Allowed, I Said So! (1st Update)

Xue An flashed a nonchalant smile, neither confirming nor denying.

At this moment, Shu Liu and Shu He both stepped forward and bowed respectfully to Xue An.

"Thank you, sir, for the gift of medicine!"

Xue An spoke indifferently, "Now, do you believe?"

Shu Liu's face flushed red, ashamedly saying, "Mr. Xue, I'm sorry, it was my limited knowledge, I am truly sorry!"

Gao Shengnan sized up Xue An with curious eyes from the side.

She had thought Xue An would be an elderly man with grey hair, or perhaps a refined scholar.

But she didn't expect Xue An to be so young.

This piqued Gao Shengnan's intense interest.

The group was about to enter the factory.

An Audi drove over, arrogantly stopping right at the factory entrance.

Then, a well-dressed, arrogant-faced middle-aged man got out of the car.

Upon seeing this person, Shu Liu's expression turned dark.

The man glanced over the people present and then set his sights on Shu Liu.