Chapter 209: The Takeuchi Family (Sixth Update)


Country R, Tokyo.

Orochi Shrine.

Three Divine Officers opened their eyes simultaneously in confusion.

"Why can we suddenly not feel the presence of His Honor, the Orochi Divine God anymore?" Tsuruoka Masaki, one of the elderly Divine Officers, spoke with a sombre tone.

"We have served the Divine God for a long time. His divine power is immeasurable. His trip to Huaxia to fight General Lin should have been without issue!" another Divine Officer, Furuya Kazuma, said.

"That's right, His Honor's power is overwhelming. There must be some temporary issue. All we can do now is wait here for His Honor's return so he can transform us into the Immortal Demon Body!" Nakata Yuuichi spoke with excitement and greed.

All three nodded in agreement, filled with longing for eternal life.

"Oh, and the Takeuchi family just called, hoping that we would attend the engagement banquet for their other daughter tomorrow!" Furuya Kazuma added.