Chapter 228: World Special Forces Competition (Fifth Update)

The next day, as dawn was barely breaking, An Qing couldn't wait any longer and started knocking on the door.

"Brother-in-law, sister, get up quick!"

Xue An no longer needed to sleep, but out of habit, he still lay in bed feigning sleep.

Upon hearing An Qing's shouting, he frowned slightly.

What's happening?

When he got up and opened the door, An Qing greeted him with a mischievous grin, "Brother-in-law, I'm really sorry, but it looks like you won't be able to stay at home!"


"I should have told you yesterday, but you had just got off the plane and I didn't say anything! Fire Phoenix is going to participate in the World Special Forces Competition, and it normally would be the general's duty to lead the team, but the general is no longer with us."

As she said this, An Qing's expression turned somewhat somber.

"Therefore, the military just issued an order for you to lead the team over there!"

"Me lead the team?" Xue An was somewhat surprised.