Chapter 239: For the Instructor, For Fire Phoenix! (Fifth Update)

War Wolf Secret Realm.

Inside the Wolf God Hall of the main city.

An elite wolf king walked in, "Exalted Wolf Saint, we just received word that the group of Chinese warriors who suddenly appeared has not been captured yet!"

"Useless!" A colossal wolf with fur radiating a silvery glow slowly turned around, its wolf eyes filled with anger.

"Tomorrow is the day my father will awaken from his century-long slumber, and these powerful warriors would have been the perfect sacrifice, yet you lot have failed to capture them after several days!"

All the wolves in the room lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

The Wolf Saint paced back and forth within the vast hall, taking a moment before he spoke in a deep voice, "Send out the orders, dispatch the Divine Blood Battle Wolves, and make sure to capture these intruders today!"

"Yes!" The colossal wolf did not retreat.

"Is there anything else?"

"Exalted Wolf Saint, we have suddenly lost contact with Snow Wolf City..."