Chapter 255: Drunk and Unaware of the Sky Above the Water, a Boat Full of Clear Dreams Presses Against the Milky Way (1st Update)

The scorching sun was baking the earth; on such a day, no one wished to venture outside.

Yet at the An Family, the two little girls, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, were comfortably sprawled on Xue An's back, watching television.

An Yan leaned on Xue An's shoulder, fiddling with her mobile phone.

The room was cool and pleasant, completely free of summer heat.

In An Yan's words, leaning against Xue An was even more comfortable than being next to an air conditioner.

"Husband...," An Yan suddenly shifted her gaze from her phone.

"Hmm?" Xue An turned his head to look at her.

"Do you know what day it is the day after tomorrow?" An Yan said mysteriously.

Xue An frowned and thought for a moment, "World Water Day?"

A hint of disappointment flashed in An Yan's eyes, "Anything else?"

"Celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the foundation of the Gangdisha Republic?"

An Yan's expression became somewhat gloomy, but she still responded in a low voice.

"Hmm, I didn't expect you knew that!"