Chapter 263: What Goes Around, Comes Around (First Update)


Upon witnessing this scene,

Shen Jun's mouth hung agape, wide enough to fit two duck eggs.

Shen Kang's whole body shuddered, his face full of disbelief.

He knew better than anyone how formidable Han Jun was.

Once, because of some trifling matter, he had offended the Tang Sect, and as a result, just a single word from Han Jun had nearly brought his company to the brink of collapse.

This illustrated the enormous power Han Jun wielded.

But now, this figure who controlled the life and death of countless people, was bowing and apologizing to Xue An like a child who had done wrong, with utmost respect and submission.

Inside and outside the room, there was a deathly silence.

Xue An's expression was indifferent, as he quietly watched.

Without a word from Xue An, Han Jun didn't even dare to raise his head, remaining bent at the waist.

In this moment, Han Jun's heart was full of fear and regret.

Time rolled back two hours earlier.