Chapter 273: Let You Taste the Flavor of the Blazing Flames Burning the Gods! (Second Release)

One strike.

One of the Hell Demon Gods, Cerberus, was dead on the spot!

Xue An turned and looked towards the Night Devil Empress and said indifferently, "Now it's your turn!"

Feeling Xue An's gaze, the Night Devil Empress subconsciously took a half step back.

When she came to her senses, she gritted her teeth with hate, "I admit, your cultivation level is formidable among the mundane, but there is one thing you certainly don't know!"

A smug look spread across the Night Devil Empress's face, "The two secret techniques that we in the Night Demon Valley are best at are soul seizing and Divine Sense! Now that her body is occupied by me, unless I am willing to leave on my own, otherwise…, you simply have no way!"

Xue An's gaze was fixed, as if he was pondering something.

The Night Devil Empress became even more complacent, "Hehe, truth be told, I am quite satisfied with this body, so I won't leave! Why don't you kill me then! Hahaha!"