Chapter 277: Glamorous Woman (Third Update)

As he spoke, the burly man raised his hand and slapped her.

This burly man was huge, with a palm the size of a fan—if he connected, the woman's head would likely shatter!

Old Stone cried out in alarm.

Yet faced with such a slap, the woman remained utterly unflustered. Instead, she looked at the burly man with cold indifference, the corner of her mouth even curling with a hint of scorn.

Right at that moment, a silver lighter, like a streak of light, flew in from behind and struck the burly man's face.


The man was sent flying as if hit by an elephant, hurtling backward.

When he finally stopped, blocked by a table, his face had become a horrific sight.

Not only were his bones shattered, but his teeth had also fallen out.

With that, the entire bar was alerted.

The remaining members of the motorcycle gang all stood up suddenly, "You wench, how dare you strike a member of our motorcycle gang?"