Chapter 290: Pure Yin Spirit Body (First Update)

"Damn it, just a lousy little dog, make it quick, go!" someone shouted.

The group snapped to their senses and charged together.

Xiao Sha coldly watched the gang, a sneer of disdain appearing at the corner of his mouth.

Only when they got close did he slowly raise his paw.


The one in the lead was sent flying by a single swipe of Xiao Sha's paw.

"It's a demon beast! Quick, use the talisman spells!"

These people all took out a talisman stone and threw it at Xiao Sha.

Xiao Sha still didn't dodge.

A hint of smugness appeared on the faces of these men.

This was the Demon Subduing Talisman from the celestial masters of Kunlun Immortal Realm, known for its effectiveness against demon beasts.

If it wasn't even dodging, it showed the demon beast's intelligence wasn't very high!

But just as these talisman stones were about to reach Xiao Sha, he suddenly opened his mouth and caught the stones between his teeth.

They were all stunned.