Chapter 300: Spare Lives Under the Sword (1 update)

Jizhou City.

The main city in the eastern region of Kunlun.

When Bian Hua and Bian Tian, the siblings, saw the towering city walls, they were so excited they almost jumped for joy.

For them, being able to come to Jizhou City once in their lifetime was considered broadening their horizons.

Bian Qingmu, however, remained calm.

She had been to Jizhou more than once, always for the sake of trials.

Of course, without exception, she was always eliminated.

This time should be different, right?

Bian Qingmu stealthily glanced at Xue An beside her.

Although it had been a few days since the incident in Yuanzhou City, every time she thought about it, she still felt her heart race.

Breaking through to become a Half-step Longevity on the battlefield, then obliterating nine people with his fists, and the lowest among these nine had the cultivation level of a Loose Immortal.

This man had completely overturned all of Bian Qingmu's understanding.