Chapter 309: Sword Slave? It's Getting More Interesting! (Second Update)

Lu Xunxue's face changed upon hearing the words, "Revenge?"

He then scrutinized Xue An for a moment, a flash of cold disdain passing through his eyes.

"Junior Sister Ruyan, I know you bear a deep-seated hatred, but you must not let vengeance blind you and trust others rashly, after all... some people's intentions are still unknown!"

Lu Xunxue's words were harsh.

Zhu Ruyan's face turned pale, as if she wanted to say something.

Xue An waved his hand, signaling Zhu Ruyan not to speak, and then gave Lu Xunxue a faint smile.

"Are you suggesting that I'm harboring ulterior motives?"

"I didn't say that; I'm just reminding my junior sister to be more careful," Lu Xunxue said coldly before turning and heading back into the room.

"My lord, my senior sister is not aware of your cultivation level and deeds. She is just worried about me being deceived. Please don't take her words to heart," Zhu Ruyan quickly said, fearing that Xue An would get angry over this.