Chapter 311: The Secular World, Xue An! (4th Update)

He was actually able to withstand a sword strike from Fei Bai!

This man is terrifyingly strong!

However, many Sword Cultivators still sighed softly, "This man is going to be defeated!"

Because Fei Bai's sword was on the offensive, whereas Xue An took a defensive stance!

In the path of the Sword Dao, it has always been about advancing, never retreating, attacking without defending!

Once on the defensive, failure is not far off!

At this moment, Fei Bai's expression remained indifferent, but the excitement in his eyes gradually faded.

It was as if a child was gradually growing tired of a new toy.

But just as Fei Bai's sword tip had barely reached Xue An's chest.

Xue An said indifferently, "Out of respect for your Sword Dao cultivation, if you submit to me now, I can spare your life!"


Even more people were astonished, and many even laughed out loud.

Even Lu Xunxue was somewhat at a loss.

He was on the brink of death, yet still boasting shamelessly?