Chapter 318: Tomorrow, I Shall Slay the Immortals! (3rd update)


This sentence left the entire venue in dead silence.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Zhu Lei was the first to ask, "Did they say anything?"

The messenger nodded, hesitated as he glanced at Xue An, and then spoke.

"After the master of the Immortal Palace, Fu Wuliang, returned, he flew into a great rage and decreed that at the hour of zi tomorrow, he demands... demands that this lord present himself to face death."


The entire banquet was thrown into turmoil.

Everyone exchanged glances, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

No one had expected the master of the Immortal Palace to return so soon.

And even more so, to specify and demand the killing of Xue An by name.

This time..., it seemed this man had no way to get through it.

After all, that was a Golden Immortal!

What did it mean to be a Golden Immortal?

In the vast Kunlun Immortal Realm, while Loose Immortals may not be as common as hairs on an ox, there were still quite a few!