Chapter 315: Decrees Made, Under Heaven's Law (Fourth Update)

Above the Immortal Palace.

Zuo Yuhu's face was filled with shock as he watched everything happening below.

Even now, he could not accept the fact that the Imperial Son, Hao Yu, was already dead.

It wasn't until Xue An mentioned his name that he shuddered all over and gradually came to his senses.

What's going on?

How does he know my name?

Zuo Yuhu's heart was filled with doubt and uncertainty, but he couldn't help but stick his head out and said in a chilling tone, "Xue An, you actually dared to kill our Immortal Palace's Imperial Son, you're dead meat! Once my master returns, he will certainly tear you to pieces!"

Xue An ignored him and instead pointed at Zhu Ruyan in the crowd.

A stream of Sword Qi shot straight towards her.

The crowd let out a burst of astonished cries, not understanding what Xue An was up to.

Zhu Ruyan only felt her body lighten, and then she was lifted into the air.

Xue An bestowed a thread of Sword Qi to Zhu Ruyan, allowing her to fly closer as well.