Chapter 336: Too Handsome to Close Legs (4th Update)

When Xue An walked out in a suit that was exquisitely tailored and crafted, the room fell silent.

Just as Raphael had said, Xue An was indeed a model with a perfect figure.

Once he put on the clothes, his incomparably noble temperament was even more highlighted.

"Perfect... simply too perfect! This is the best suit I've ever made in my life!" Raphael exclaimed.

Afterward, An Yan also walked out gracefully in a floor-length gown.

The carefully designed wedding dress, paired with An Yan's unparalleled figure, was dazzlingly beautiful, like a myriad of flowers in full bloom, stunning onlookers.

Then there were the two little girls, dressed in meticulously designed children's formal wear, looking like two little princesses, incredibly exquisite and adorable.

This family, just standing there, was a sight to behold, even without uttering a word.

After a moment of stunned silence, Feng Caiyi's eyes too sparkled with admiration.