Chapter 340: The Day I Choose is an Auspicious Day (4th Update)

An Yan nodded, but she was still curiously staring at Xiao Sha.

"I never expected that this little dog, once transformed into human form, would actually be quite good-looking!" An Yan said with a smile.

"Hehe, members of the Dragon Clan, as long as they can transform, are basically all handsome men and beautiful women. It's their racial talent!" Xue An said indifferently.

"Husband, how do you know?"

"Back when I traveled The Multiverse, I had visited the Dragon Realm. The dragons there are all like that. Moreover, the more noble their bloodline, the better they look, like the princesses of the Dragon Clan's Imperial Family..."

Xue An quickly shut his mouth, but it was already too late.

Then he saw An Yan looking at Xue An with a smile, "What about the Dragon Clan princess?"

Xue An laughed and tried to change the subject, "Today's weather is really nice, isn't it!"

"I'm asking about the Dragon Clan princess," An Yan said with a cold, stern face.