Chapter 344: Yan'er's Dowry (4th Update)

The most headache-inducing problem of food supplies had been resolved.

What remained were merely trifles that could be solved with money.

And while Beijiang was bustling with preparations,

An Yan had also returned to Zhongdu.

The motorcade slowly pulled up in front of the An Family's residence, and An Qing got out of the car.

But the first one to come welcome her was not a member of the An Family, but rather a man in his thirties, wearing the stars of a general on his shoulders, his clothing crisp, exuding an air of spirited confidence.

Upon seeing this man, An Qing's face took on an unpleasant expression.

"Wang Geng, what are you doing at my house?"

Since An Qing and Wang Geng didn't belong to the same military district, she, as a colonel, dared to refer to Wang Geng by his given name despite his rank of major general.

Wang Geng smiled, "Colonel An, I arrived in Zhongdu yesterday, but you weren't at home, so I've been waiting until now!"