Chapter 353: Insect Gu Immortal (Fifth Update)

Mr. Xue's wedding caused a tremendous sensation.

Even though many did not attend the scene, countless people still watched the entire process of the wedding through various channels.

The grand scale of the wedding goes without saying, but what was even more coveted was the romance that seemed to overflow, which left many girls envious.

For a while, the slogan "When marrying, marry a man like Mr. Xue" became very popular online.

However, while there was a buzz of excitement outside,

Mr. Xue, An Yan, and their two little girls had hidden away in their old home.

Of course, this place lacked the luxury and spaciousness of Number One Tian Villa,

but the value it represented was irreplaceable by any other.

Especially when the media was surrounding and blocking off areas, just to get more information about Mr. Xue,

the peace here became even more precious.

The day after the wedding, Zhao Xuehui and others returned to Zhongdu first.