Chapter 357: A Farce (Ninth Update)

Si Jin was overjoyed, casting a defiant look at Gong Xiaoqing and Xue An before sneering, "Miss Gong, I'm really sorry, but Mr. Li treats me way better than he does you. You might as well just keep this guy company and take your time shopping! Heh heh!"

Si Jin lost herself in her smugness.

When the server brought out the jade pendant, she couldn't let go of it, fondling it in her hands and then ostentatiously flashing it in front of Gong Xiaoqing and Xue An.

"See this? This is a top-notch piece of jade worth over ten million! I bet you can't afford something this expensive in your lifetimes!"

Her words were extremely unpleasant to hear.

Gong Xiaoqing's face turned particularly ugly; she was about to speak up.

But Xue An just laughed and then shook his head gently, "It's really pathetic. To be taken for a ride like a pig and still show it off with such pride!"

His words brought a sudden silence to the jewelry store.