Chapter 360: Dark Treasure (12th Update)

Lu Xia shook his head vigorously, "As a descendant of the Miao sorcerers, how can you be without a Gu heart? You'll come back with me when the time comes!"

Ah Fei's face fell instantly, then he quickly began to change the subject.

"Gu Master, have you prepared enough money for attending the auction in Xiangjiang?"

"Money? What money?" Lu Xia asked.

Ah Fei's eyes widened, "Of course, the money to bid for items! Are you planning to snatch them by force instead?"

Lu Xia smiled, "Of course not. The item I'm interested in cannot be measured in money. It's an exchange of items. As long as the other party is interested in what you have, they can trade with you."

"Then, Gu Master, what are you prepared to offer?" Ah Fei asked curiously.

Lu Xia chuckled, and suddenly, two insect eggs appeared in his hand.

Although they seemed to be only the size of chicken eggs.

The aura they contained, however, shook Ah Fei to the core.

"These... These are the eggs of a Gu King?" Ah Fei exclaimed.