Chapter 363 Curse Killing the Wang Family (15th Update)

The World-Ending Curse descended.

Long Guanyu had devoted many years to intensive cultivation, perfecting the supremely powerful Cursing Technique by slaughtering those weak deities.

Once unleashed, it was mighty enough to make ghosts and gods wail, and the world change its hue.

Yet, in the eye of the storm, Xue An remained utterly expressionless.

Long Guanyu rushed forward with a cruel smile.

Such was the tyranny of the World-Ending Curse Technique that a mere touch of it would scatter one's soul and spirit to death.

But just as the World-Ending Curse was about to make contact with Xue An at that instant.

Xue An shook his head and chuckled lightly, "I thought it would be some extraordinary move, but it turns out to be just another spell targeting one's fate! I can do this as well. Today, I'll show you what a true Cursing Technique is!"

Speaking, Xue An drew an extremely Profound Mystery Dharma Seal in the air with his finger and suddenly exclaimed.