Chapter 365 Heading to Europe (17th Update) Please Subscribe


A roar emerged from the desolate and rustic temple.

"Who dares murder my Divine Child!"

As the voice faded, the two Divine Officers closest to the source let out screams of agony and dissipated into pools of blood.

"Please calm your anger, exalted deity, please calm your anger!"

The multitude of Divine Officers prostrated themselves, trembling as they spoke.

After a long while, the deity, who presided over the witchcraft of Nanyang, let out a cold snort.

"I have sensed the aura of heaven and earth slowly changing. It won't be long before I can return to this world. When that time comes, I shall turn the one who killed my Divine Child, Long Guanyu, into a malevolent spirit, to be damned for eternity without salvation!"

Meanwhile, in a very secluded corner of Xiangjiang.

Lu Xia lay pale-faced on the bed, with Ah Fei anxiously standing guard beside him.

A long time passed before Lu Xia slowly opened his eyes.

"Gu master!" Ah Fei hurried over.