Chapter 372: Humiliating Oneself (Second Update)

The man and woman trembled all over and their faces betrayed a look of panic.

As die-hard admirers of Country Y's culture, they naturally realized what an Earl meant.

Although it was no longer the Middle Ages, having the title of an Earl could still attest to one's social status.

"I… we…" The man stood up, stuttering as he tried to explain something.

The waiter, sweating profusely, walked over, followed by the lobby manager.

"Sir, here are the chopsticks you requested!" The waiter placed five pairs of brand-new chopsticks on the table.

The lobby manager approached with a respectful smile, "Lord Earl, welcome, you and your distinguished friends, to our restaurant. Is there anything that doesn't meet your satisfaction?"

The lobby manager himself felt some trepidation.

He could tell that the brooch Quintina wore was at least a few hundred years old, an antique, indicating she wasn't a newly created Earl but came from an ancient family.