Chapter 404: No Big Deal, Just Killing You (Second Update)

Hearing these words, Ding Ran couldn't help but be overjoyed, leading everyone to follow behind the Priest and enter the church.

"My God, it's gorgeous!"

When they saw the stunningly beautiful stained-glass light, Ding Ran and the others all exclaimed in a daze.

The Priest slightly pursed his lips, feeling somewhat disdainful inside.

Truly a bunch of country bumpkins who've never seen the world.

So he arrogantly said, "Please don't make a fuss, this place is not ordinary! Moreover, the Bishop really dislikes people talking nonsense!"

Ding Ran and the others quickly shut their mouths, not daring to make a sound.

"Bishop, I've brought the people!" The Priest, leading Ding Ran and the others, came to a room and said softly.

"Let them come in!"


The Priest gently pushed the door open and then stood to the side with hands downcast.

Ding Ran took a deep breath, steadying his spirit before walking into the room.