Chapter 407: The Descent of the Saint Heir (Fifth Update)

Karsath cried out in shock and with a wave of his hand, a thick black mist formed a barrier in front of him.

But this black mist was like a thin sheet of paper in the face of the holy light; it had no power to resist.

A ray of holy light touched Karsath's arm.


Black smoke rose, and Karsath cried out in pain.

At that moment, Anastasia's face was stern as she waved her hand, "Confusion!"

The holy light was instantly enveloped by a dusty glow.

Simultaneously, Anastasia stepped forward, tore off Karsath's affected arm and threw it aside, then commanded coldly, "Run now!"

Everyone was startled and immediately used their strongest escape abilities, vanishing from inside the carriage.

No sooner had their figures disappeared than the holy light violently broke free from its restraints and exploded.


The entire carriage was instantly blown to pieces.

Above the Sacred Plaza.

The young man snorted disdainfully and said lightly, "They sure run fast!"