Vampires ?‍♂️ ?

"Get up!...UP...Up...!!"

Edgard as always was excited to wake Stella up in the same torturous way, and it was obvious of what he would do if she didn't wake up, so to avoid taking a bath with icy cold water the first thing in the morning didn't seem very appealing to her and so she woke up.

It was still 4:47 when she reached the training grounds, and there she saw Ed grinning at her, and she got a sudden urge of beating him to pulp, the training ground soon turned into a war zone and the two were head to head. Theo and Al were holding them back and stop the collision of two dumb objects. When they saw that the situation wasn't getting any better Al decided to throw them out of the mansion. And he did! He asked a bunch of guards to separate the two and take the out.

"Hey!!.....(shiver)" Stella


"I think we just got kicked out of our own house,"

"Yeah we were!"

Now both of them were hanging from the bars of the gates, and trying to get inside through the small partition between the design in the gate.

"I think the hole is too small!"

Ed has his head stuck in the flower pattern on the gate.

"Come Out of there, are you an idiot?"

"Haha look who is talking..."

They were about to start a. Fight in the middle of the road when Stella spoke,

"Okay let's call a truce...."

"Hmm makes sense"

Ed got his head out of the bars and held out his hand for a hand shake.

After that Both of them stood straight and looked at the road, with a weird expression painted on both of their faces. It looked like they were thinking of doing something stupid, despite of how old they had gotten.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?"Ed

"Sure I am..."

Both if them grinned at each other.

"Three laps..."

Stella said.

"Sure thing, I will meet you here with some coffee."

"Haah...the loser gets punished..."

"What is the punishment?"

Ed was confused.

"I will decide it once I have won."

They fought for another few minutes before they started the race.

Both of them were running side by side, and laughed loudly on the empty street, one lap was over and when they were running the second, they saw a black car come out of the neighbour's garage.

Both of them looked at each other with puzzled expression still running with the same pace.

"What now? Should we stop?" Ed asked while running.

"Scared? "

"Haah! No way!"

"Then let's jump over it, let's see who breaks his leg first"

The words caught Ed off guard and he got a step behind Stella.

Stella took the lead and jumped the hood, and landed swiftly on the other side before running away, Ed too followed the lead and jumped the car, while laughing loudly like a lunatic.

The two idiots ran away in a happy mood, and didn't realise that they had given the car driver a shock of life.

Chris POV:

Today out of nowhere mother had Called me the first thing in the morning and I had to visit her before she would get mad at me again, I dressed up and without telling Lucifer I took the car out, but it was about time I could get on the road, I saw a shadow pass my windscreen. It gave me a fright and when I thought it was over another shadow followed.

"What the hell are those things?"

Chris looked at the shadows fading away into the distance but their cruel laughter was still heard, Chris felt chills and he even got goosebumps all over him.

"Va...vampires!!! This place is haunted"

Chris left his car right there and went back inside not daring to look behind.

"Wake up... hurry up! We need to leave this place."

The guy from the other day that Stella had saved was laying in the bed when Chris came to his room with his pale complexion.


"I am telling you, this place is haunted, I saw two Vampires, just outside the mansion."

"Can you stop with the hallucinations, first you think that your mother is a witch and now vampires ,stop watching those weird movie and come to office" Lucifer got up and scolded him n the most fatherly manner.

"No Lu I seriously saw two people jumping my car and running away in full speed, they ha douche horrible laughs and scary teeth...(he added the teeth using his ultra imagination). , see I even got goosebumps" Chris showed him his skin.

"Seriously? ...Why are you even up this early" he walked out of bed.

"I just wanted to go for a walk...hehe"

Chris didn't want to say the word mother as he knew Lucifer would feel uncomfortable.

Lucifer unbuttoned his shirt and said.

" went for a walk, in a car! Nice."

After completing his sentence he went to take a bath leaving Chris thinking about his lame excuse.


"Haha...did you see the jump? I told you you had no chance against me."

Stella bragged as she entered the gates along with Ed who was ready to spank her on the head, when they stopped at the sight of Al and Theo staring at them.

"Are you here to apologise? Well no need I forgive you."

Stella took another step forward and realised that, they were not standing there to apologise to them but there was another reason for doing that.

"What did you do?" Theo asked.

"We were jogging..."

Ed replied.

"Hmm...where were you jogging, be more specific? And did you do something wrong on the way?"

Theo spoke in the most soft yet scary way.

"Nothing in particular."

"Nothing in particular you say...then what about this?"

Theo took out his phone and showed a video to both of them, where they jumped over the car and soon after a lumpy yet scared man exited the car and went back running inside the house.

"Were we that scary?"

"I don't know about me but you sure do look scary with that face of yours."

Ed made fun of Stella.

"Apologise! ..."

Al was responsible for making them act decently so he spoke in a grave voice that made both of them, hang their head in shame.

"We are sorry."

"Not to me but them..."

He pointed at the mansion next to us...


"No buts, hurry up before I tell Leonard..."

"Alright! Alright!..."

And for the next one hour Ed and Stella were Imprisoned in the kitchen, they made some apologies treat as the maid told Al that the mansion next door still had no one to cook for them.

Neighbours pov:

"Ahh....the egg shells!! They keep on falling into the egg..."

Chris who was wearing an apron was making a scene in the kitchen, when suddenly the door bell rang..

"Who is it?"

There was a girl outside the door holding a picnic basket in her hand.

"How may I help you miss?"

"Our masters wanted to apologise for their behaviour earlier, when they were told that you went back inside rather than going to work, so they were sorry for there rude behaviour and sent some breakfast,"

She said with great respect.

"So the guys who jumped over my car were your Masters ? how rude of them."

When suddenly the scene of the morning flashed before his eyes he was. It very happy.

"No sir master is a very kind person, he doesn't often do stuff like that " the maid was defending him,and seemed a little angry when Chris talked bad about her master but still she handed me the basket and went away.

"They don't do that often? Does that mean I should expect things like that in future?"

While Chris was still standing in the doorway he saw a bunch of SUV's coming out of the mansion where the maid went to.

"I wonder who they aware?"

Chris was still there when Lucifer came.

"Who was it?" Lu asked

"The next door neighbor they apologised for their actions earlier and sent us some breakfast as an apology gift"

Chris shut the door and swung the basket with a happy face as he didn't had to make 5e breakfast anymore.

"Why are you getting stuff from random people out of nowhere, and above all it's always food"

Lu looked at Chris's with questioning gaze, as he had received cookies yesterday and now it was breakfast. but Chris concentrated on the basket, there were pancakes and cupcakes in the basket with a thermos which had coffee in it, just by looking at it made him hungry.

"Bro I don't care who sent me these but they look delicious and I am going to dig in, I know you don't want it because you hate sweets so I will help my self."

Chris fell in love with every single thing he tried, even the coffee felt like it was brewed from the finest beans.

"Bro you should try this, I really mean it just a bite"

Chris shoved a spoon filled with pancake into his mouth. And waited for a response but Lucifer gave him nothing except for a plain face.

"No don't do that, they made it with such an effort, can you show a bit more liking to it?"

Chris got disappointed at his reaction but the next moment Lucifer sat on the chair beside him and took the girl out of his hand and started eating the pancakes.

"Sigh! With that attitude of yours you are gonna die alone..."

Chris taunted him.

"Hah! You too are alone," Lucifer gave him a revengeful smile,

"I already have someone..."

Chris cheeks blushed when he spoke those words.