Assassin needs to have a deadly eye

After a long night of waiting for my target to sleep, I succeeded in killing him without alarming his bodyguard.

Again, my ratings are now 99.9% proficient in killing.

Actually, I can kill my target without a doubt in broad-daylight even he has dozens of bodyguards on his perimeter.

But I never did so, or so more to the furthermore mission in the future.

As an assassin, we need to act in the dark, because the dark is our friend and parents that protect our identity.

A tradition of our clan, and the other assassins. That is our birthmark if we've had one.

Like a shadow fiend, my body slithered building to building, street to street until I reach a house's residence where our house was built-in. It's a two-story house with a small backyard and garden in front, and a small compartment where the car is parked.

Before I can even open the door of our house. Our small garage opens slowly, and a small family car emerged to the street.

My Father is off to his office.

Like me, Father is a professional assassin back in the day. At the age of 19, he entered the league of elite assassins, and he's ranked 33 in the league if that is true.

Therefore, he was the rarest genius of the clan and assumed to lead the family to be prosperous again.

But when he turned 20, he vanishes in the scenes of assassination until his rank dwindles to nothing.

I used all of my webs Intel, the power of our family to investigate what happened to Father and what caused his disappearance.

With 100% proficiency of assassination.

Without a doubt, he might be the number 1 assassin in the world.

So its really a great mystery to what happened to Father of why he quit of being an assassin and now pathetically working an office boy of some low-grade company.

"Good morning. How's your new mission?"

Father asked lowering the windshield.

"Of course, Father, it's a success," I answered straight up.

I am quite annoyed with my Father because of the reasons that he laughed at me when I failed to kill my target 1 year ago.

I don't know why he was laughing at his own daughter's failure.

But I am sure, I'm pissed off because of it.

Maybe he laughed at me because of my failure not reaching his achievements when he is young, and I am truly disappointed with me too because of that.

If that guy just didn't interrupt me in the midst of my mission, surely my record is still 100% perfect like my Father's legacies.

So, I have decided, I shall hunt that guy.

This might be a sly tactic. But I posed to the Bounty organization a mission, and of course, I am the one who accepts it which made gossips of amusement and mockery.

Even the retired Father of mine heard the news and laughs at me which made my day grim.

I couldn't help it, I needed revenge!

"Remember to fix yourself, baby girl. And don't forget to. No weapons allowed!"

I wanted to retort about "No weapons allowed" but Father closed his window and hit the road immediately. I stumped my feet because of my frustration.

Assassins always need to have weapons in any scenario! No matter what is it!

I was steaming in red as I opened the door and slammed it back creating noise that alarm the people inside.

"Good morning, my baby girl. Did you fail again?"

My Mother sounded inside the kitchen before appearing to my vision as I put my running shoes to the side.

"Even you mother? Is my failure really matter to all of you?"

I hissed which still heard my Mother loud and clear.

"Of course not, my baby girl. We are just teasing you."

"Then this is not funny mom. I don't like it."

"Okay, okay. Your wish is our command, baby girl." "Go now and wash your body, so, you can eat breakfast."

Mother came back where she came from, leaving me alone.

I ascend to the narrow staircase and entered my room, and my friend greets me with their shining smile in the dark dim room.

My weapons are shining as they neatly hanged to their respective wall. It brings security to my whole being.

I entered the shower and wash with warm water and descent again downstairs after I put my casual clothes which were black jacket paired with a black sweater of course.

Like a nocturnal predator in the dark, ready to pounce to the helpless prey.

If my hair was just colored black, it'll really be a great help to my stealthiness.

But no, my hair is a red-fiery which sometimes notices my target as it glowed in the dark corner.

That's why I am quite jealous of my sibling that have true legitimate traits of our clan genes.

Black hair, black eyes and good overbearing look of a true assassin when they looked at their target. Petrifying their victim like a stone.

I have pierced eyes too, but my eye color is red as my hair which I get to my mother physical genes.

I always sometimes tried to petrify my victims with just one look into the eyes.

Instead of not moving because of fear.

Their face would turn red before avoiding my eye contact with me and walk towards me with a stiff body whilst still in red condition.

And I killed them with one swift slash in the neck before they finish their pathetic begging after the word. "Please go-" while their face in red.

I might fail several times to petrify my victims with just one glance until I succeeded.

But surely I'll succeed to do that if I practice with diligence.