School just finished as I followed Harry out of the school towards where he goes to get home. We both walk towards the street to where he get picked up and see a limousine waiting for us. I look over to him as he just casually in and shake my head while getting on,
'This man flexin' on me.'
I get in with him and he turns towards his head towards a little cooler in side and opens it while asking, "Hey Evan, want a drink?"
"Yeah, can I have a coke?"
"Sure." He says as he grabs one and hands it over to me. He looks back in and get frustrated before yelling to the driver, "Bernard! We're all outta Sprite!"
I ignore him while clicking my can open and taking a sip, 'ahhh.'
He gets over it then pulls out a Coke as well before clicking it open and drinking it down before letting out a big 'Ahhh' as well.
The ride progresses for a while and we make conversation, "So, what do you want to do when we get to your house?"
He raises a brow on me before smirking, "Depends, what do YOU want to do?"
"Tsk, rich bastard." I scoff while smiling at him.
We arrive at his 'home' which is just like the Raimi films. We get on the elevator and head up into his pent house with Bernard by our side.
The elevator door opens and we walk out together into his house. I'm a bit stunned at how nice the place is since I haven't been very rich in either of my lives.
"Impressive isn't it." I notice it wasn't Harry's voice and look over at the source and see a Willem Dafoe look-a-like standing nearby.
I offer to shake his hand and say, "Nice to meet you Mr. Osborn, I'm Evan Parker."
He smiles back while shaking my hand and says, "Nice to meet you too Evan, Harry here talks about you alot."
I look over to Harry while he scratches his head in embarrassment.
"Well, I try to be a good friend to him."
"Thank you and I hope you continue to be, also thanks for helping him study I don't know where he would be without you."
Harry's eye twitches while I pat his back and say, "Don't worry I will."
'He's not as intimidating as I thought he would be...'
"Well, it was nice meeting you Evan, I have some business to take care of I'll meet you another time then."
"It's fine, thank you for greeting me."
He proceeds to walk towards the elevator and goes down the lift
Harry looks a bit sad and I say, "Not as scary as I thought he'd be."
He raises a brow, "You haven't seen anything yet."
I chuckle before asking him to go to his room. We arrive and walk inside and he has so many things inside including a new computer and a bunch of movies and games.
I have a bit of a throw back when I see his Xbox 360 and Call of Duty World at War, "Hey Harry want to play this?" I say with an excited expression on my face.
He says, "Sure, why not?"
"Great, because I'm gonna show you how to get a ray gun on the first mission."
"Hehe, just watch....."
We play for a while and I begin the easter egg...
"Why are you standing on that puddle..."
"Shh! just watch!"
"Woah!" he yells as pillars rise from the ground,
"Heh, told you..."
We play for the next few hours before I have to leave, "It was fun Harry I'll make sure to visit often!"
He seems a bit sad I have to go, "Alright I'll see you at school next week Evan!"
I wave at him while leaving, "Yeah! See you soon!"
I get in the elevator and head to the first floor and soon hear a voice while the elevator opens up, "....this is our opportunity!"
"Ever since Stark left the market, we haven't made anything to garner a new military contract!"
I eavesdrop for a bit while looking over to see him pacing back and forth while talking on his cell phone.
"We have the new glider blueprints ready! Begin to manufacture them so we can begin to showcase them to earn some new contracts!"
'Glider! Shit, so soon!'
"Also! I need more people on the OZ formula!"
'It seems I still have a lot of time before it happens!'
"Yes...., Well, I want it done! And soon or so help me, I will end you..!"
I begin to walk out before it gets anymore 'violent'.
He notices me and quickly ends the call, before turning to me with a much more menacing presence than before, "Hey Evan, did you hear any of that..?"
"No, I just got out of the elevator to head home, why?"
He stares at me for a while before going back to his more friendly grin, "Oh nothing, how 'bout I get someone to take you home?"
I decide to go along with it, "Really? That'd be a lot of help."
He calls down Bernard to take me home before wishing me good bye with his fake smile, "Make sure to come again!"
I get in the limo which start to head home while thinking,
'I shouldn't underestimate him..."