A not so good day for everyone.

You see, peace talks are important business, so of course our dear main character would prepare something special for the goddesses entertainment.

"... And hurt you~!" He softly sang in his own ritm, considering there were no music machines and that even if their effects were replicable they may not be enjoyed. "And that was 'Never gonna give you up' by Rick Astley. I'd have prepared a dance crew as well, but none of my subordinates were capable enough in dancing to follow through with this song and powerfull enough to stand your combined beauty." He sminlingly said, the formerly empty space with a simple tea table was changed to a small room with a horizontal dark wooden table facing a raised platform, now without the previously shining light sources moving images behind where Aki stood.

"You know, people normally don't let me hear those things or invite me for these kind of things, so i must say it was actually nice change of pace." Said the internally beaming tomboy while maintaing a small smile on the outside.

"I on the other hand can't actually say it was the best i've heard in terms of singers, but hearing songs from other worlds certainly has it's charms." Said the smiling goddess of light while enjoying her glass of champagne and keeping a redined posture.

"Encore, encore!" Clapped the non-descriptive goddess. She'd been sent on a job, but it was obvious from their first meeting that her presence had no effect on Aki, so she now very drunk. And naked. Luckily none of the present felt any attraction towards unrefined party animals that only ever carred for pleasure. On those words specifically, yes.

"Then next i'm going with Peace sign from Kenshi Yo..." *TRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...* " Sorry, that's the sound of an emergency call, gotta pick it up, can you..."

"We will deal with her." Imediatly answered the goddess of light before making some light constructs to distract the woman in question.

"Thank you. See you girls later!" He said and the ground opened up around him before he was evacuated some kilometers above ground. Imedeatly locating himself, Aki started flying towards the caller on a good speed before answering the call.


"WELCOME TO MY PUNCHING SPREE!!!!" As the wolf man started to sing the third song about beating someone around a burning scenario, Quercus wondered how things got like this. Sure, he was happy his captors were being punished, but he was litterally being burned alive as well, so yeah, not the best save he'd ever heard about.

"I AM ON FUCKING FIRE! DO SOMETHING JACK ASS!" He screamed from his cuffed and barred prison as his hair cackled.

"Oh, right, sorry Prin." He comented, his eyes imediatly lossing most of the beserker furry and bloodlust.

Going back on time a bit.

Head dealer Albert Kozlov waited on the docks, looking at the docking extraction ship. It was a piece of top tier tech, a flying ship capable of transporting it's crew at great speed while housing stealth and a mobile base with everything they might need plus a great escape vault, but it still looked like it had received severe damage and almost didn't reach the port. This had shocked many an agent receiving the team. These were their fastest ships, used mainly for fast manuevers and delicate jobs, but it was still detected and had half it's crew KIA.

Looking at the charge walking down the stairs, he couldn't help but notice her state much resembled that of the transport. Her ears had been chipped, her hair cut short, one of her fingers missing. Those were great insults to any elf for several reasons, and he couldn't hold the friend in him from speaking before the officer.

"Bera, we're going to my house and i'm calling brother and sister-in-law." It was all the red haired hunk could let out while in such scenario, but the worry and anger in his eyes was obvious to all around.

She didn't say much, simply nodding while having a small smile trying to tug at the corner of her mouth, but mostly kept her profecional demeanor before acompanying him to the carriage.

One of the benefits of being in contact with such delicate matter was that the automobile was practically his in all but design and paperwork related matters, so after darkening the windows and calling a spirit to drive in his place, Albert threw away cerimony and hugged his childhood friend.

"I missed you, so let me doll you up a bit before you go see Alexei, ok?" That was all he said while involving her in his arms and feeling the warmth in his shoulder, while he tried to have at least a bit of her shame and anxiety. The ride was mostly silent after this, only disturbed by his call to the clinic.


Closing the door behind him, Albert looked at the worried figure of Zhenya and sighed.

"How bad is it?" He asked. There was never an option of leaving this kind of information hidden, there were just too many ways there could be something that would cause harm to the people or the great tree, her feelings about her privacy didn't change anything he had to do.

"Are you sure you don't want me to..."

"I'm the one that needs to report it. We both know why you shouldn't leave, nevermind try to do my job. I'll be fine." He interupted the sad figure before him, even though he wished so badly to just ignore this bothersome duty and stay by her side. His brother knew that, both because of his profession and because of how well he knew the old romantic.

(Very graphic description of psicological torture incoming. Half of it is because of deeply rooten elven tradisions, so try to look a bit more into what the characters say and try to pass on if you will.)

"Well, after this, you might just have a chance if you play your cards right." He sighed before telling him to start writing. "In her half starved system were several remains of compounds derivating from alucinogens found both in the wild and the world of man, marks from mind leeches, aphrodisiacs and paralising agents." The burly elf broke the pen between his fingers, threw the piece away and summoned another. "She wasn't raped or permanently flagelated though. Instead, she was shown several diferent convicts of all forms performing and pited against the leeches while her body overflowed with extracts that pushed and pulled her mind. While it might seem simple at first, one of those drugs actually raised her willpower temporily while making her more dependent on it to think complex thoughs. They didn't expect to win a short fight, but were instead slowly reducing her walls. Her WIS stat is sixty points lower than the last stance reported." Yevgeny wasn't kidding, the look in is eyes when the man looked back to confirm he'd heard it right meant he was dead serious. After a brief respite, he kept going. "After some time, this process didn't reap as much as expected, so they started looking for some way to profoundly shame her of her very existence." He flung his hair to show his left ear, too personally affected to repeat it out loud. "Making her fell she deserved such place, that it was hers and she should just accept it. It wasn't imediate, not even noticible the first days. Then they started looming a scarf out of her hair right in front of her for a week before they threw her back to the same routine while wearing only said scarf." *Drip Drip Drip* There was silence.

(About the end of the description.)

"Did they get anything?" There was blood falling from the holes his nails formed and reaching the floor after making a small pool in the table, the second pen long turned to smithereens in his hand, and there was a tone of finallity to his tone.

"No. But she won't be able to recover enough to ever serve outside the island again. Or step out of it. You should be the one to tell her, but do us both a favor, don't propose to her right about now, she will answer yes or no both for the worst reasons. Too much on her mind." The doctor suggested while pushing his glasses up.

Albert nodded, he'd help her learn how to live again. No matter how long it took.


The next day.

"You are not Bera." The groan more of a statement then a question. As the red haired elf laid on the ground of the court room, finding himself incapable of moving anything below his neck or his magic.

"Well, no, this is her body, it's just that our local mind ravager is parasiting it. No worries though, she is a valuable resource, so of course she will have the choice to be restored to normal." Said a voice he'd never heard as the woman he loved proceeded to prepare the contents of what he recognized was a stable portal.

"You won't get away with this." He said in a raspy voice. Why was this happening, and more importantly, how? There was no parasite on the crew on the ship or it's...

"Well, Juju actually already infected a ton of people before even leaving the ship, just less directly than this. Also, can you believe this whole thing looks like a DC comic?! This shit is fun! I feel like Harley Quiin but without HPV!" She said while bumping a fist in the air. The expression of delight and glee in his former lover's face was something he would have given a lot to see again, but not like this. "Though I still can't understand why the boss would not sleep with me. Like, can you believe he gagged when I insinuated myself? No one's ever done that! You can't see it through this plain b..."

"I don't need to see your body to know you are times uglier than one of the only fucking elves to have a mediocre face. Bera will always have a much more shining smile than you de..." He stopped his insult as the elf turned to look at him with those soulless eyes he'd seen so many times and a great pressure forced his wind pipe shut.

'Ah.' He suddenly realized with a relieved smile. 'So that means maybe Bera can still be saved.' Those were his last thoughts before he was decapitated, barely registering the low growl about orders.


"It's good to know my bet on you being redeemable has progressed more than expected considering this lovely person was still at a point where they could be resurected, nevermind turned into an undead. I won't say you have done well though. You could have waited. You could have been more conversational, yes, I mean offensively. More importantly, you could call your very sociopathic shrink, who is also your boss, and I'd even get you some time in your actual body as a reward for reliable and quick thinking." Albert didn't register much of what was being said as he gasped for breath, but the sounds of battle in the background sounded quite unimportant right now for some reason. "Look, he agrees. Seriously though, torching the world tree is fun, sure, but if it was not already part of the plan you be quite screwed right now, so don't start on how this was intentional or it doesn't matter." The man in front of him kept ranting, like a stern mother to their not so bright child. "And it is not because this is a recording, or because I will know how much you listened, but because you need this. So you can finally understand the answer to many questions you have and open yourself to many a new joy. Not just the junk men produced for entertainment or carnal pleasure, though those are both on the packet down the road, but the feelings that makes you weak and vulnerable, giving you the thrill of continuous purpose and company in a mostly solitary journey that is existence. Yes, you are supposed to take that to the letter, but they are instructions not supposed to be copied, only aimed for, since perfection is a ridiculous concept. After all, we both know how jocker ends up after he takes Gotham. End of log. Please don't des... *Thunk Crash* As what was apparently a mud golem was destroyed at the hands of an obese... Is that actually a ball? Anyway, it was clearly of male appearance, but it had a woman's high pitched voice. It was a sweet but strong voice, like it came from a beautiful singer, which was a fully mismatch for the thing in front of the recently decapitated man. As it screamed incoherent words, it kept trying to damage the room, but it seemed to jerk off any force behind it's blows right before it could hit anything, which would have made for a strangely comedic scene for Albert if he wasn't so focused on his current state and Bera's unconscious body in front of him.

He was unable to move still, but that was because of exhaustion and the manacles holding him to the wall. He was still surprised to see the woman in front of him being without a blemish, but knew that right now he would not be able to do anything.

After all, both the head of the council and the spirit guider were currently being destroyed by a singing man he recognized as the emergent tyrant of the continent.

He really wished his kinsmen would turn the tables, sure, but he'd much rather this fight ended soon so they could do something about the sleeping...


Oh, so that was a lie from the government too. Albert figured he'd care much more about that if his literal God was ablaze with hell fire.