"Are you sure?!!".
Agent 003 sneered. Why they always asked for the same ridiculous question? Of course, he's sure. His talent in pulse reading had been proven as the top of his league. "Master! This is not a joking matter! Why? How could you? The woman could be a spy!"
Alex Lee sighed hard. He had coupled with her before he knew of her identity. At that time, He didn't mind her scarred face, because it was her compassion and warmth that had drawn him to desire her as his lover. Now he knew, she is not just all that. Subconsciously, he had given his love to the same woman. But only this time, he would make sure that she won't hurt him anymore.
This time around...
He won't let her run away...
He would have the upper hand...
And also...
He would make her his love slave...
The memory of their lovemaking surged within him and he felt a scorching heat penetrated within his body followed by his arousal. He crossed his legs to hide his monstrous beast. What an embarrassing moment? To have this lewd state when she's not even in the same room as he.
"....., Master! ..."
Agent 003 kept talking in vain.
'Cough! Cough!'. Catching himself, he pretended to cough and said with dignity, " Alright, Agent 003! I'll take your concern into consideration! You could leave now!".
Agent 003 shook his head in defeat before he left.
While Alex Lee had to count to 10,000 sheep to calm his beast.
It would be another long night. He is not ready for any confrontation with Felicia Lee. He needs to plan out carefully about what to do and what to say to his runaway wife. It's much easier to plan for a war strategy than to conquer his wife. Maybe it's time for him to read the love books and educate himself. He would learn all the love techniques and become a better lover. Then she would never leave him for another man. The torturous past is all just a speck of dirt, he is willing to forget and forgive, but the present and future of Felicia Lee belong exclusively only to him.
"Mother, how is the Divine salve?!".
Felicia Lee reached out from her military pants pocket and gave the jar to her son. "Xander my son, please apply it on me! So you could see for yourself whether it's working or not!".
Alexander Lee complied. He massaged the Divine ingredient softly on her face with a circular motion.
Felicia Lee almost cries in tears for her new son deep affection that touched her heart profoundly. She had thought of the other Alexander Lee as her own son. And this time around, she would protect this 'Alexander Lee' with her life. Her 'Alexander Lee' is dead, but the 'Alexander Lee' in front of her will not leave her side.
"Wow! Impressive! All your crack skin gave away, only the black vein still noticeable. But mother, I am almost certain now that within one week your face would heal if you apply the Divine salve twice a day".
Felicia Lee didn't believe her son totally, so she touched her face. Dumfounded and perplexed at the soft texture of her skin, she gasped in disbelief.
Her son is right.
Her skin felt so smooth.
Even without a mirror, she could tell that her skin was no longer cracked like dried land anymore.
Then something hit her mind.
"Zander? Is this medicine dangerous? Erm... I-I am pregnant at this moment and your medicine is so potent... I just wondering..."
Alexander Lee's eyes widened with excitement. "Pregnant? A sister or A brother for me? Mother, don't worry! My Divine salve ingredients are safe for your pregnancy!!!". Sitting next to his mother in the dining room, Alexander Lee crossed his arms on his mother's waist tightly while smiling with understanding. That's why his father agreed on the shotgun wedding. He is glad that he had helped to enforce their marriage.
Knowing his mother in recent days, she would reject the idea if she didn't love his father.
Knowing his father of five years that had lived a life like a monk -without any women company-, he could guess that his father also loves his mother. 'Smile! Smile!'. Alexander Lee felt a bliss of happiness surged within him. His sunshine smile also brought a big smile to Felicia Lee's face.
"Ohhh! I am so glad to have you as my son! You knew, Xander, my dead son has the same name as you! But I never thought of you as only his replacement. I really love you as my dear son! And I would protect you with my life, Xander! Nothing would ever hurt you!". Felicia Lee vowed while hugging her son tightly.
"Mother, this time let me protect you instead!".
Unable to comprehend her son's words, Felicia Lee decided to ignore it.
The dining room window was opened, thus Alex Lee accidentally saw their close affection to each other from his office balcony - on the other side of the dining room-.
He is jealous of his own son.
Felicia Lee truly loves his son.
She married him on his son's accord.
Unable to control himself, Alex Lee strode into the dining room.
"Master..., you want to have lunch also?!", asked one of the kitchen maid. Alex Lee nodded indifferently and sat next to Felicia Lee.
Alex Lee was surprised when he looked at Felicia Lee's face. It's healing really well. He could recognize her feature now. The black veins didn't look so intimidating anymore. Why Agent 003 didn't mention this? Agent 003 only said he couldn't heal her at the moment because of her pregnancy state. But her face is definitely healing!
"Y-your face looks better! Agent 003 did a great job".
"Father! It's me! I am the one that heals my mother's face with my divine salve!". Proudly, Alexander Lee told him the true fact.
"Indeed, Xander is definitely a genius boy like you, hubby!", Felicia Lee added while smiling genuinely at her husband. Alex Lee had been sleeping in the guest room. She knew that he had found out that she is Felicia Lee.
Felicia Lee chose to pretend that she didn't know what's going on to give his husband some space.
For the longest moment, Alex Lee gawked at his son who is still embracing his wife and finally said, "H-how? Even Agent 003 couldn't come out with any prescription".
"I read a lot about ancient herbs and create my own medicine combination! Which is very safe for a pregnant woman!". Alexander Lee said in a mocking tone while a slight curb of smile accompanied him the whole time.
'Cough! Cough!'. Alex Lee blushed furiously.
Indifferently he ignored his son's remark while thanking the kitchen maid for his lunch meal, then he ate silently.
At that same moment, Alexander Lee finally released his embrace and returned to his chair. "Mother, let's eat before the foods turn cold!"
They ate silently.
After finishing his lunch, Alex Lee left without words.
While Alexander Lee dragged his mother to go for a shopping spree.
"Xander! I would need a mask!".
"Don't worry mother! I have made you a beautiful hat veil! You could see through the veil silk material but no one could see you. Let's fetch it in my room! Also from now on, don't expose your face under the scorching sun. Your beauty will recover and replenish in a short time, mother!".
Smiling happily at her son's remarks, Felicia Lee followed her son fast steps closely.