The Message

Emma finally decided to send a message to Akkadia about her whereabouts. She no longer cared about what would happen to her. Haoran paid close attention to her when Emma sent the mini-ship from the capsule into space.

The girl had recorded a short message and spoke in Akkadian language to explain who she was and asked for help to see her family. That was the message brought to Akkadia.

"According to AWA, if this message reaches its destination without problems, they will receive it within six months," said Emma, ​​turning her head to Haoran. They wore special clothes with oxygen cylinders that allowed them to walk on the moon's surface outside the capsule.

Both of them looked at the mini ship that shot quickly into space and immediately disappeared into a flickering light, like other billions of stars above them.

"Then ... if they sent pickup immediately, we will meet them in one year from now ..." said Haoran.

Emma nodded.