Three Moons Fire Festival

Emma's routine continued in The Dragonite ship. As usual, she went back to studying in her study room with Atila and Anddara who were still faithfully teaching her the various knowledge she needed to know about life in Akkadia.

Because Emma could already read the Akkadian written language, she began reading more books to expand her knowledge. Her lessons with Therius were carried out in Therius' study, specially prepared for him in The Dragonite.

There, he did much of his own work and sometimes had coordination meetings with General Moria. He was busier than before and could no longer train Emma regularly on telemancy nor pyromancy. That's why Emma spent more time practicing with Xion or reading in her own room.

Emma liked being in the majestic ship, but she didn't really like the situation that happened in Dragonite. She was forced to keep her ring and Haoran's ring in her room so that no one would suspect anything.