In Innstad

In Akkadia, Emma also only had two friends. She married one and lost the other. It was sad, but unfortunately, there was nothing she could do.

Ahh .. could she make new friends?

"Don't worry too much about it," said Therius, as if he could understand what was on Emma's mind. "Let it happen naturally."

Emma opened one eye and smiled. Then, she nodded and closed her eyes again. Therius smiled back and stroked the girl's hair affectionately.

Ahh .. he would really miss Emma.

"You'd better rest so that tomorrow you will be fresh when we arrive at the destination," he added while stroking her hair. "There are several places I want to show you while we are there."

"What about you? Don't you sleep too?" Emma opened her eyes and stared at Therius with a questioning look. She was ready to sit up and move to the bed provided for passengers so she could sleep. However, Therius held her shoulder and shook his head.