Admiring The Mother Tree

Emma arrived at the entrance of the forest and when she saw there was no one around, she waved her hands and killed all the cameras with her electromancy. She didn't want anyone to know she entered the forest.

She didn't know why her steps automatically led her this way. Perhaps, deep inside she found solace where she would be surrounded by plants?

She couldn't go to the dormitory because people would see she was crying and wondered what happened.

She needed to be alone. It was really hard to be faced to face with a man who looked so much like Haoran.

Gosh, even the age was similar since Solar Blyze was also two years her senior, just like Haoran.

Emma immediately entered the forest and just walked where her feet took her. She wandered aimlessly, feeling distraught, until she stopped at a small pond near a giant tree. She knew this tree was called Mother Tree because of the size.