Attack At The Summit (1)

It was no secret that despite the freeing of colonies, it was also possible that Akkadia could attack them in the future. If Thaesi and Akkadia were to work together to colonize the other kingdoms, it was easy.

Both the queen of Sandsana and Pallas were similar to the queen of Myreen, but they took the approach differently when meeting with Emma. They were more distant, polite, and respectful.

Queen Atira of Sandsana was a little more gruff.  She wasn't afraid to voice out her concerns, much to the trepidation of her husband.

She smiled and said to Emma, "Queen Saria of Myreen is right, you're quite a young woman. The responsibilities of becoming a queen must be burdensome."

Emma only responded with a bright and warm smile. "Not at all, I've learned so much in the past year since I came here in Akkadia. I'm looking forward to the summit. I'm so glad to meet you all."