[Bonus chapter]The Aftermath

Emma found herself surrounded by her relatives from Taeshi and hugged tightly. 

"We were so worried about you, Emma. You should have left with us." The queen of Taeshi said with a relieved tone.

"I needed to be with Therius, it's my place," Emma said and smiled at them. She was glad that none of them looked shaken up or bothered by what just happened. "I cannot leave my husband at all." 

The rest of the people heard her words and were in awe. The love between the king and queen of Akkadia was so amazing that they would risk one's life to be with them and keep the other one away from harm.

Emma was absolutely relieved that Alderaan and the dragons didn't accompany them for this occasion. It would have been even more difficult to protect everyone she cared about. 

The queen's heart thundered loudly in her chest.