Emma's 'Little Friends' Are Being Harrased

It wasn't only the classmates of Emma that found the shock of their lives, even those of their parents and siblings found themselves being surrounded by a great number of officials and their guards.

Whether it was Miri's father in Beliz who found authorities forcing their way in according to a search warrant to even Samu's town now being turned upside down in search of the queen and all being interrogated.

Family members who didn't even know their child was friends with the queen like Stell's parents suddenly received the surprise of their lives when the royal guards came and swept into their premises.

The news would quickly come up to the following students involved and all of them even got summoned by Dean Anrankin himself to get questioned.

"Has any of you been contacted by Her Majesty?" Dean Anrankin asked. Compared to the other visits elsewhere, the questioning wasn't as harsh to the students but it was still unnerving.