The War Is Brewing

"You've been slow when it comes to the news, huh?" Solar Blyze stared at the Time Master in front of him. "I've finally figured out your little puzzle and secret with Dr. Natan Salas. The guy nearly dropped dead when he saw me."

Xion Draconi narrowed his eyes at the young man who invited him to come here to talk. 

"Spare me the details of your conquests, I didn't come here for any conversations with you. I've come to question you about Emma's kidnapping, are you involved in this?" he said.

"And what if I was?" Solar Blyze raised a brow. He scoffed. "How bold of you to come here into my territory and question me if I kidnapped Emma. Time Master or not, you'd still face an entire company of enemies."

The Time Master's face grew cold and the temperature dropped immensely inside of the Blyze Corporation's office. He leaned forward across the table as an ice javelin appeared out of thin air and pointed directly at Solar.